
Through much deliberation & great sacrifice, all new requests for keepsakes will now be forwarded to a personal waiting list until I implement PayPal. This decision is largely in part due to the ongoing cost in supplies, recent increase in shipping charges & truthfully, too many let downs in inquiries & assured financial & craft donations. I am very grateful for the wonderful inventory of boxes I have at hand thanks to numerous & generous donations & deeply honored for everyone I have had the privilege of making a keepsake for in remembrance of their loved one(s) thus far. My mementos will continue to be a “gift” of the heart in remembrance & honor of my own losses’ for which the blog was inspired, & it is my hope that with PayPal brought in, intended donations otherwise will help sustain & further eliminate the inconsistency & what follows.

I will reply to all new requests in the order they arrive when I am more at a place of fulfilling each one. Thank you…


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Abigail
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 20:44:10

    I think that is a great idea!


